Saturday, April 11, 2009


I finally finished up the first project I made from the retreat book for this fall. It had been hanging on my design wall for a few weeks waiting for me to decide what it wanted next. I've found if I'm patient, the inspiration will come to me and this time was no exception.

I had lots of fun adding fibers from my collection. I arranged them in curving lines and in circles and stitched them down by machine. I added a few circles just using my machine by pulling 2 different threads through my machine at once and free form stitching in circles to make subtle echoes of the fiber circles.

I think it turned out pretty well. Not my usual style, but I always consider it a plus when I create something "outside my box". I like to encourage my students to try something outside their box, too. This fall's retreat would be a great time for you to try something really different.

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