Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sun Prairie Heritage Quilters Quilt Show - Sun Prairie

I just got back from visiting my quilts at the Sun Prairie Heritage Quilters Quilt Show! It was really fun to see my work hanging for everyone to admire (or not...). Here are some pictures from the show...

Joanne Reinhold from was kind enough to take these pictures of me in front of my quilt! Her friend made her take the first one twice because, "she wasn't showing enough of the quilt"! Hilarious! Here's my Tutorial? for Woven Wonder that was posted on Quilting Gallery. You can also look at this blog post to read about the story behind it.

Here are some more of the quilts you can see if you go visit the show in the next few days:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I live in Madison and visited the Sun Prairie quilt show on opening day. My friend and I just LOVED your quilt - what a fantastic idea you had!!