Saturday, January 17, 2009

New blog for Quilt Retreat Information

Greeting quilters and quilt retreaters,

I am starting this blog as a information source for Quilt Retreat Geataway Weekends that are hosted by Quilts by Barb. I plan to update this blog regularly with new information on both our upcoming 2009 Quilt Retreat Getaway Weekend and on our previous retreats from past years. I will be including lots of photos, so if you attended one of our retreats and would like a photo or any information included, please email me and I would love to have it.

Diane Lapacek, our teacher for the past seven years, will also be including updates. She is working right now on sample quilts for 2009 and will be including pictures and other information here for you to see.

Please feel free to add to the page with comments. I would like this blog to be a place where our retreat participants can touch base with one another. I will continue to have my regular Quilts by Barb blog on my webpage and will refer back and forth between the two.

Happy Quilting and hope to see you all in Belmont in 2009!


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